Smart Vision Monitoring Systems - precisionspindle

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Smart Vision Monitoring Systems:

Spindle performance monitoring is a topic that raises questions about the correct monitoring strategy, sensors used and other issues. Several industrial workshops and even more research groups at universities around the world, have tried to give recommendations about sensible sensor types, evaluation methods and strategies in order to better predict the failure of a spindle. However, many of the developed systems are not available yet, nor have they been tested in an "industrial environment".
FISCHER has closely followed these discussions. The development and product launch of Smart Vision, FISCHER's spindle monitoring system, experienced much positive check among industry experts. Today, it is one of very few monitoring systems used for spindles that has been successful for several years.
 Smart Vision Monitoring Systems
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Mr. Manish Deshpande
(Manager - Sales & Marketing)
G - 29, M.I.D.C., Gokul Shirgaon
Kolhapur - 416 234
Maharashtra, India.

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